Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Excercise #5 con. 2/13/07

Well, the link to the photo did not work on my first go-round! Sorry to all of you who were waiting with breathless anticipation. I will have to go back into the instructions and look that one over again. I think I forgot that I have to link it...

Here is ItalianGerry's photo again (maybe)


Well, there it is now, but what I can see in my draft that is that I have the URL in there twice, and i am not sure which one is actually activitated. I'll try another photo later and see if that works out better.


Virtual Services Team said...

Loved the image you linked to; thanks for sharing. --Christine Holmes

sailing said...

Dear But What do I Know,
A LOT! Your blog is filled with great information! Interesting to note that communication through the Web can give people, who are otherwise so restricted, such tremendous freedom.