Monday, April 2, 2007

#10...Image Generators

OK, so it was not quite the end after all, but close.... So I have gone back to exercise #10 to look at image generators. It was probably seeing Marvin Martian that caught my eye! I went into a few of the generators but it was not clear just what steps to follow to work with them, also I found all the advertising very distracting. I realize advertising is part of the raison d'etre for some of these sites, but it is very difficult to follow the text when most of it ends up being a link to an ad or else lots of pastel thingies are popping up and flying around while you are trying to focus.
But I persevered and ended up using Comic Strip Generator . I was able to manipulate that one, although I did get a little confused while trying to change fonts, colors , margins etc. With some of the options it seemed that once they were set it was stubborn about letting me change them again, but I assume it is just my unfamiliarity with the site and some of the terminology. But here is my result....and why it ended up on top of this page I do not not know. Obviously I have not mastered placement of these photos, but at least I remembered how to upload them (after a few tries I have to admit...) But I did change the title of this picture, although I could not get the color to work in the title. The caption was simple to color, but not so simple to change the font and settings to fit into the balloon. Clearly I have a ways to go, but it was fun to play with. And this old cartoon with the singing, dancing frog has always been one of my favorites!

In fact, I am going to place him again, and see if I can get him where I want him this time. No, he is still at the top of the page!!!. He may not have a sense of humor, but he has a will of his own, that little frog, I will have to review this placement issue again when I have more time.
Now I am navigating away from singing frogs and back to the more mundane world of wikis.

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